Tuesday, February 03, 2009


Motivation arrived today in a form of a book. Singed and all by no other than Jerry Moffat himself! If you don't know who Jerry is you can not call yourself a climber... Let the training commence!

Self portrait.

Just been doing some systemboard lately. Good way to train some climbing specific isometrics (e.g. Lock offs etc.). Seems that it's not that bad for your fingers like normal climbing since the moves are very controlled. Bit like fingerboard training. Same principals apply on system training like it's very important to use and maintain good body and finger positions trough out the exercise. I pay special attention on elbow angle. I try to avoid chicken winging because I think that it's bad for your shoulders and elbow to use unnatural angle. 

Last week end we had two days at Boulderkeskus. It was good fun! It's good to go visit some other caves every once in a while. It sort of a gives you perspective of where you are in your training, or which are your week spots. It's the same outdoors when you visit new crags and climb with other people.


Robin said...

Have ordered the book AND the film. nice motivation thing. look forward to see Nalle in action in that movie.

How are your fingers? Starting to get fit for the season? Hardcore training in Trondheim...

Marko Kauko said...

Hey Robin! My fingers are OK at the moment. Not too much pain yet. Hope it stays that way. Been trying to take it easy. Training is going OK too. How about you? Feeling good to be back in Norway? Any plans for spring season?

Robin said...

Good to be back...Hate Cities.

You should continue focusing on fingerboard (bent arm to prevent injury). I think its the best method to get strong fingers, and the injury-potential is zero...

Been thinking of a week to Swiss beginning of March. Andreas from Bergen have moved down there and would like to visit him..Think I will go back to Bodø in the Easter holidays. Then I dont know. Maybe Magic woods after exam in May and maybe SA in July.. Hehehe, many plans..

And you?

Marko Kauko said...

I usually use bent arm when hanging on fingerboard. Think its much better that way too. About our plans. We haven't made any definite plans yet. Let's keep in touch, would be nice to meet somewhere!

Hirvi said...

Had to order the book to myself also. First climbing book on my self(apart from the topos and the Seinäkiipeily-book I won yesterday from GraniBoulder!).

Anonymous said...

know if it´s good Hirvi.
I got a few books on my shoulder, but really do not use them at all -and I just finished reading an book and I´m looking a new victim.
