Friday, January 23, 2009

Archives 2

Here are few 'digitized' pictures...

Jyrki on 'Nakit ja muusi' -98. 'Forte Risoluto' and 'Nakit ja muusi' 7B+ says the text on my album. Although think they both should be listed on MTK's list of hard boulders. Juha gave them both 7B+ after visiting Fontainebleau for the first time. On that trip he spent the whole week working on 'Carnage' which he did in the end. He had just sent 'Forte Risoluto' and 'Nakit ja Muusi' before. Have to say that 'Carnage' is miles easier...

Jussi Remonen doing F.A of 'Salamurhaaja'. Grade is still a mystery. Having just seen Ben Moon on 'Real thing' doing 'Karma' Jussi probably didn't figure out the easiest way for this boulder...

The dream team, Jussi, me, Jukka Mäkinen and Jykä...

1 comment:

minaattori said...

Tiukkaa settiä. Tuo norjalainen villapaita pitää nokittaa viikonlopun aikana trikookiipeilykuvalla.