Saturday, November 29, 2008


Web seems to be full of training advice at the moment. So mine would be to have fun and enjoy the process what ever you decide to do. Included a short clip of Ila working with 'Marvin'. No send though. Think Ila just got bored of trying same move over and over again and didn't go back to finish it of. Sorry about the quality. It was dark and wet when we filmed this.

Marvin 8A. from Marko Kauko on Vimeo.


Robin said...

Looks nice...Hope I find time to a trip to Finland the upcoming year.

Chiqui said...

it almost looks lika a real sending!!
Nice music also.
I'm seriously thinking about a trip to Lofoten-JYK-Aland this summer (end of July). do you fancy to join?

Marko Kauko said...

Hey Robin! You are more than welcome! Chiqui, sounds like a plan. I'm in!

Robin said...

Marko, Dave G. did Boogalagga sitdown at Chironico last week. Amazing problem. Must be one of the hardest problems in Tessin...Hope I manage to get a week bouldering at new year...


Marko Kauko said...

Boogalagga is an amazing line! Had a play with Torstein and Mats on it last january. We all did it with one move in. Hard first move! Think one of the best lines in Chironico for sure! Hope you get it send! Go check than new area too! Think it's called Val Bovona?